Learn more about the EcoVerse platform

EcoVerse is the first-ever self-sustainable blockchain platform for daily usability and has special attaches to Ubuntu economy. It is worth mentioning that the recent cryptoverse do no have a robust ecosystem that is quite sustainable for a long time now. Even though the recent technical advancements are expected to make some changes in the crytoverse, it is still evident that PoS, as well as PoW consensus algorithms, have only proved to allow other people to get richer proportionally than even how rich they used to be. This platform is mainly committed to tackle these challenges and enable its users to experience a self-sustainable business that they have always admired.

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As a matter of fact, the EcoVerse platform is coming up with dApps with dual coin system as it employs an artificial intelligence supported consensus algorithm as well as artificial intelligence-supported delegated proof of contribution. Did you know that EcoVerse is the first ever designed self-sustainable cryptocurrency platform?
It is crucial to mention that the platform adopts user-friendly interface that enables users to manipulate it fully and get the best out of it. It is mainly concerned about transparency and most security for its users as they try their luck in the cryptoverse.

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Other than being fully powered by blockchain technology, this platform is also supported by artificial intelligence supported delegated proof of contribution, that is what makes this platform a self-sustainable one. This is what helps it manage to solve daily usability as well as universal adoption as it focuses on enhancing transaction times, security as well as interconnectivity.
Unlike the past when you had to wait for hours before they are processed, but due to blockchain technology, this platform will be able to process millions of transactions within no time without experiencing delays. In simple reality, this platform will be able to withstand up to a million transactions per second in a lab setting. According to EcoVerse platform, it is always their dream to achieve hundreds of thousands in real use. This is what is known as TFT at 2 seconds.

It is worth mentioning thatEcoVerse supports two coin systems that enable it to create complex, decentralized applications with various advanced templates. This will be as usable as fiat as well as credit cards. The double coin will answer to both the need for privacy as well as KYC regulation. This is going to allow a stable currency, optimal for the needs of e-commerce as well as utility coin growing in value.
As mentioned earlier, EcoVerse is the first ever sustainable platform that employs artificial intelligence supported delegated proof of contribution time, security as well as connectivity. This platform is making efforts to achieve the goal of hundreds of thousands TPS in a real-world application with TFT at less than two seconds. The platform considers this as the highest limit for cryptocurrency adoption in daily activities. There is no doubt that this kind of initiative is what has been missing all along in the cryptoverse. 

Bitcointalk username : JennaSara


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